The UTC70 IP core is a drop in module in charge of processing multiple formatted input date/time to translate it into "Coordinated Universal Time" value with a reference starting from 1st of January 1970 at 00h00m00s. UTC70  

The UTC70 IP core is a drop in module in charge of processing multiple formatted input date/time to translate it into "Coordinated Universal Time" value with a reference starting from 1st of January 1970 at 00h00m00s.

UTC70 IP core can be connected to a GPS UART and processes GPRMC frame from NMEA message or sends a request to a NTP server (with the use of the MVD UDP/IP stack and its NTP option) and processes the NTP date/time to convert it into a 32 bit UTC time value.

UTC70 IP core initial date/time can also be programmed by the way of a CPU interface.

Once date/time are programmed, the
UTC70 IP core increments seconds from external GPS PPS pulse or in autonomous mode with the FPGA clock signal.

According to its configuration, the
UTC70 IP core can automatically switch to autonomous mode in case of connection lost with the GPS.
  • Supported FPGA families: Spartan®-6, Virtex®-6/7, Kintex™-7, Artix™-7, Zynq™
  • 2 physical date/time input sources for automatic updating of the current date/time UTC value
  • GPS interface is composed of
    • an UART RX line
    • a PPS input electrical line
    • GPRMC frame format from NMEA message
  • NTP interface
  • 32-bit CPU interface to program a user defined date/time value.


The UTC70 IP core can be used with the MVD Remultiplexer Core to provide it reference time. This reference time will then be automatically inserted in TDT/TOT or STT respectively for DVB or ATSC remultiplexer firmware.
Product Brief
Data sheet        
Sales: info_cores@mvd-fpga.com
Technique: support_cores@mvd-fpga.com